Maybe have a section that compares JW beliefs with traditional Christian theology. The premise doesn't have to be that the Bible is true, as I realize many are non-believers, but the concept being that JWs claim to follow only the Bible, but in reality they have unique non-Biblical major teachings. Nothing overly religious, just basic stuff that leaves an immediate impression, such as:
- the Biblical test of a prophet, i.e. if someone says something in the name of Jehovah and it doesn't come true they're a false prophet
- Jesus saying not to go house to house
- Jesus saying that the signs of the last days of Jerusalem would happen "never again", precluding a second fulfillment
- the lack of any earthly hope mentioned at all in the new testament
- Paul not giving obedience to the men in Jerusalem that WT calls the Governing Body
- the old testament laws that blood can be sold to foreigners, or even eaten in an emergency resulting in temporary uncleanness
There could also be a section on past teachings like organ transplants, blood fractions, and most notably vaccines, all of which were after they were 'chosen' in 1919.